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Showing posts from June, 2018

Does Making Good Music Excuse Your Problematic Past?

Yesterday I found out that XXXTentacion died and I immediately was like It honestly was surreal because I actually remember the first time I heard "Look At Me." I was obsessed with that song and even turned other people on to it and X himself. I'm the type of person that as soon as I like a new song or artist I go all Inspector Gadget and try to find out everything about them (I'm a Virgo leave me alone). Anyway what I found was fight compilations, interviews of him saying he tried to kill his cellmate for staring at him believing that he was gay, oh and the pictures of the woman he abused. From there I was on the fence about X and wasn't as invested as I was initially. He was still incarcerated and didn't have any other music out. Since then he released two projects and I can't lie I listened to both of them. One, because I was bored and two, I was reviewing one of them for The Northerner. But honestly, he makes good music. None of the music he made