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From "Get Up" to "#LevelUp" Ciara Causes Controversy With Recent Twitter Video

Ciara one-two-stepped her way into a twitter catastrophe when she tweeted this video of Pastor John Gray preaching a sermon about how women need to stop acting like girlfriends while expecting to be wives. Her caption "#LevelUp" stirred some controversy on the timeline.

Those who agreed with Ciara's message believe that if it's acceptable to talk about being promiscuous then it should be okay to talk about being married:

Others disagreed with Ciara saying the #LevelUp message is problematic and that women shouldn't have to change to be considered worthy of marriage:

Ciara responded via iPhone Notes with this statement:

Ciara is not worried about what haters have to say and says that her "#LevelUp" comment is more so focused on her self-love journey. Basically, sis is 1, 2, stepping down the aisle with her husband while not being concerned about anyone's opinion.

While Ciara might not be concerned with our opinions I'm still going to give mine because:

In my opinion I can see both sides. On one hand I feel like you should act as if you are already the person you want to be. For example, if you want to be a CEO, carry yourself and act how you believe a CEO would. The same goes for this situation except I'm not going to be doing wifely duties as a girlfriend. If I'm already acting like a wife in the dating stage, what would make you want to give me a ring. It's like the saying goes, "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"

On the other hand if women have to "#LevelUp" then men should too. It seems that women have to do all the work while men (not all) can continue to be trash and not take accountability for their actions. Your value should not be determined on whether or not a man sees you as "wifey material." Your vibe attracts your tribe so whatever vibe you're putting out into the Universe you will get back. As long as you love and respect yourself you will attract someone who will do the same.
