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Girl What You Gonna Do With Your Life? Part 1: A Saga

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When I arrived to NKU three years ago I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, let alone what I wanted to major in. Just the year before I had plans of being a Computer Scientist and create cool software, and then AP Calculus came in and tore my dream into pieces. For years I felt directionless and like I was wasting time. You get told all the time that "oh you're young you have plenty of time to figure it out" or "many of people change their majors you'll be fine." But when everyone else is in their majors and know what they want to do you feel left out and left behind.

This summer was a troubling time for me for many reasons, but one of them was because I felt like I should have been doing something to further my "career" but I didn't know what I wanted to do so it was frustrating. I felt like I had all this time to do something but nothing came to mind. I noticed on YouTube I would always watch videos from Complex and thought that it seemed like a fun work environment. I love music and pop culture so I figured I would want to work there.

Upon looking up the job I realized that I have no experience whatsoever. At this time my major was Media Informatics with a minor in Electronic Media & Broadcasting. With Media Informatics I really was just winging it, hoping that I would have an epiphany moment down the line with my career choices. Luckily for me I did, but not the way I was hoping for. I was taking Introduction to 3D Modeling and HATED it. I didn't understand what was going on even after the professor took his time out to help me. Everyone else seemed to get it except me. I just couldn't see myself doing this for the rest of my life.

With this sudden revelation I had to decide what I wanted to do quickly. After researching for what felt like hours I realized that I wanted to be a TV host and personality. I want to be in the entertainment industry and I love giving my opinion on trending topics. So I figured, why not make a career out of that? Since EMB and Media Informatics classes sort of go together I was able to switch my major with ease. I feel so much better knowing what I want to do and I'm excited to see where this journey takes me. Stay tuned to my next post on how I plan to get there...
