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Girl What You Gonna Do With Your Life? Part 2

Now that I have a plan for my future I have to know the steps it takes to get there. Being a Virgo I have to know and plan EVERYTHING. The feeling of uncertainty drives me crazy which is why it was so hard for me to be so directionless for all those years. So now, I pull out my handy dandy notebook, and get to work.

I had to narrow my goals into what I want my end goal to be and the smaller steps it takes to get there.

Big Goal:
To be a  TV personality and podcaster.

Short Term Goals:

  • Create a Twitter account 
  • Start a blog 
  • Make a YouTube Channel
  • Get an internship in my field 
Doesn't seem so scary when you write it out either. It makes you feel like you're taking steps in the right direction. By having all of this in my head I felt very overwhelmed and stressed out. When you only think of your end goals it seems like you'll never get there. For me, I have to take it day at a time and not let my self get so stressed out about what the future has in store for me. I just have to trust the Universe that my plans will come to fruition. 
