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Girl What You Gonna Do With Your Life? Part 3

I've always felt like I was too big for Northern Kentucky. I lived here all my life and I have out grew this small town. My goal is to move to a big city. For the longest I wanted to move to Los Angeles. I wanted to be an actress and L.A seemed like the place to be. Now that I realize that acting is not in my near future I have another destination in mind. Harlem.

New York is so fascinating to me. I feel like there's always something to do. In the fast pace city there is never a dull moment. I need that in my life. Doing the same thing in the same mundane city gets old. New York is exciting! I mean come on that's where Sex and the City was based in.

Harlem is the borough I'm attracted to because I feel like the city is so lively. With the Harlem Renaissance and multicultural community it has a rich history that I have just fell in love with. Out of all of the boroughs I feel like I would fit better in Harlem. Everything is there for me, especially Times Square. I can see myself working there and just being in that type of environment.

I listen to podcasts of people from New York and my cousin lives there and I just can't wait live there. I want to experience and understand the references. I want to have a New York state of mind. New York seems like it fits my personality more than Los Angeles would (that's until I experience my first winter there then I'll be California dreaming). I can't wait to shop there, eat all the great food, go to all the cool places. Harlem just seems poppin' and I need to be there.

Knowing that I'm going to leave this small time to move on to something bigger helps keep me focused. I know I won't be here for long so it makes me optimistic for the future. It can be a little scary uprooting your whole life and moving away from your family but I feel like it's time. I can't grow as a person if i'm living in the same place all my life. So get ready to see me working at Times Square and Harlem shaking my way onto your TV sets.
