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Since You've Been Gone: Why I Haven't Posted in Over a Week


That's it. I've been juggling a lot this semester. Taking classes I actually like, writing for The Northerner, being a contributor on King of Reads, and creating a YouTube channel. I'm gonna be honest; my time management skills aren't the best (or existent). I procrastinate and then stress out because I waited until the last minute to do something. But honestly, I'm just trying to stay afloat with everything I have to do. It seems like I have hundreds of stuff to do that I don't even have time for myself.

With my senior year coming up, the pending need for an internship, and wondering what the hell I'm gonna do with my future it all just piles up and can become overwhelming. Trust me I love my blog, making videos, and writing for other publications, but juggling that and assignments can take it's toll on anyone. I'm gonna be more proactive with my blog and schedule my posts ahead of time so I don't fall behind. I'm planning big things for 2018 and hope you guys can continue to grow with me.
