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Showing posts from May, 2018

Blog for What?: How Procrastination & Self-Doubt Are Taking Turns Beating Me Up

Replace "school" with "passions" and this is me. One thing I suffer with deeply is procrastination. With school it's fine because I'm usually able to turn out an assignment last minute and it be gucci, but with creative work I'm like "nah I can wait." It's like I'm playing this game of how quickly can I sabotage my hopes and dreams. Okay, maybe it's not that extreme but it definitely feels that way.  I took a break from my passions to focus on school towards the end of last semester and while I've been slowly creeping out of it it's been a struggle. It's so easy to be complacent and just lay in bed and scroll through my Instagram feed after work. I tell myself "okay today I'm gonna get the tea and post about it." I look at the tea and the tea looks back at me like And all we can say is  I say things like "oh this isn't good enough" or "I'll do it later."

Best Day Ever...Eh Not Quite: Mac Miller Arrested for DUI & Hit-and-Run

According to  TMZ , the "Dang!" rapper was arrested this morning for a DUI and hit-and-run in the San Fernando Valley. Around 1 A.M, Mac Miller and his friends were driving drunk, hit a pole, and knocked it down. Mac and both of his passengers got out of the car and ran on foot back to Mac's place. A witness led the police to their direction and after running the plates on the "Donald Trump" rapper's 2016 G-Wagon they got Mac's address. After arriving to Mac's house he didn't hesitate to turn himself in and admit to his recklessness. A law enforcement source even says "He was the most polite and nice intoxicated person we've ever seen." His bail is set at $15k and he is still currently behind bars. Luckily nobody got hurt but that was a pretty careless thing to do. Driving under the influence of ANYTHING is NEVER okay. Mac should be counting his blessings that the only thing that possibly was damaged was his vehicle. I