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Blog for What?: How Procrastination & Self-Doubt Are Taking Turns Beating Me Up

Replace "school" with "passions" and this is me. One thing I suffer with deeply is procrastination. With school it's fine because I'm usually able to turn out an assignment last minute and it be gucci, but with creative work I'm like "nah I can wait." It's like I'm playing this game of how quickly can I sabotage my hopes and dreams. Okay, maybe it's not that extreme but it definitely feels that way. 

I took a break from my passions to focus on school towards the end of last semester and while I've been slowly creeping out of it it's been a struggle. It's so easy to be complacent and just lay in bed and scroll through my Instagram feed after work. I tell myself "okay today I'm gonna get the tea and post about it." I look at the tea and the tea looks back at me like

And all we can say is 

I say things like "oh this isn't good enough" or "I'll do it later." Then never do it. It's crazy because I'm a person where once I'm passionate about something I will study EVERYTHING about it. So I have all of this information on how to make things hot but I'm not using it. 

This tweet summed it up and gave me the wakeup call I needed. I'm just scared to start...or restart I suppose. Like I did it the first time and it was lit but I'm starting to feel like my break was too long and I got into my own head. My biggest thing with my blog and YouTube channel is that I'm worried about what others think about. Cliché I know but it's real. This is something I REALLY care about and

Even though I haven't heard any criticism about my blog and received lots of encouragement, it's still something that haunts me. What if this person I haven't talked to since 11th grade says my blog is smack? Or what if the random person from campus thinks my videos are boring? I don't know why I let this bother me because even if they did feel that way I would never know. I seen this tweet that said something along the lines of "I'm not worried about people liking me because they don't even like themselves." I felt that. Okay annoying twitter phrases aside that really touched me. I shouldn't be stopping my grind for some randos who probably aren't doing anything with themselves. Sis is trying to booked and busy OKURRR. So moral of the story is:
