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Showing posts from January, 2019

The Rebrand is Strong

When I first started my blog all I wanted was to get my voice out there. I wanted to give my opinion on everything I seen on TheShaderoom and in the blogs. I didn't necessarily want to be the one to break stories or speak maliciously of celebs, I just wanted to get my opinion out there. The goal of this blog, and still is, is to be a safe place to share my thoughts and help other become a better version of themselves. While working at King of Reads I realized that writing about celebrity news gets old QUICK. Don't get it twisted if TMZ offered me a job I would accept it with the quickness, but to volunteer to do it again I just don't think I could. I'm not sure if it was the mix of writing twice-a-day for 5 days a week or the topics themselves but I was burnt out. I was so focused on making the deadline that I feel like my writing quality took a backseat. My whole motto was "just get this out and done." Now I loved working for King of Reads they are a gr

Where Have I Been?

I feel like the theme for my creative endeavors is "I've been gone for a minute but I'm back with the jump off." Consistency is not my strong suit. I haven't posted a blog since June 2018. Not because I didn't want to, but because life just got in the way. Between school, work, and the toxic mix of self doubt I haven't had the time or energy. It hasn't all been bad though. In fact, 2018 was a great year for me. I was blessed to have many opportunities that I'm about to share with you. I started this blog on January 16th, 2018 and a week later I was on the phone with YouTuber, JustinJ, who is now known as the King of Reads. While doing a class assignment I stumbled across his website and saw that he was looking for contributors for his site. I honestly just applied because I figured "what's the worst that could happen?" A few days I received an email saying he would love to have me on the team and he will call me to let me know abo