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The Rebrand is Strong

When I first started my blog all I wanted was to get my voice out there. I wanted to give my opinion on everything I seen on TheShaderoom and in the blogs. I didn't necessarily want to be the one to break stories or speak maliciously of celebs, I just wanted to get my opinion out there. The goal of this blog, and still is, is to be a safe place to share my thoughts and help other become a better version of themselves.

While working at King of Reads I realized that writing about celebrity news gets old QUICK. Don't get it twisted if TMZ offered me a job I would accept it with the quickness, but to volunteer to do it again I just don't think I could. I'm not sure if it was the mix of writing twice-a-day for 5 days a week or the topics themselves but I was burnt out. I was so focused on making the deadline that I feel like my writing quality took a backseat. My whole motto was "just get this out and done." Now I loved working for King of Reads they are a great team and amazing employers so this is no slight to the brand AT ALL. It's just my take on how easily you can get burnt out writing about one topic all the time.

During my internship at Cincinnati Magazine, my passion for writing came back. I realized that I didn't want to stop writing I just wanted to change what I was writing about. Enter the rebrand. I want to stray away from the typical Shaderoom type of gossip and write more thought-provoking, helpful topics. Now this doesn't mean I won't be talking about celebrities but instead of writing about their day-to-day festivities I'll be writing more introspective pieces.

In this rebrand I will be writing about what I'm passionate about. I never want this blog to feel like work. I also don't want it to look like I'm spitting out content just because. I want my content to be carefully curated. Right now posts will be once a week unless I'm inspired to write about something that needs to be posted immediately.

At this point in my life (wow I sound like an old person) I'm really focused on health and wellness. I want to incorporate that into my blog because I want to show duality. We can talk about music and pop culture but also about doing our daily affirmations and gratitude lists. Topics that I want to explore are selfcare/wellness, music, internships/career, the entertainment industry, and more. So stay tuned to all of the wonderful content I'm producing.
