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The Rebrand is Strong

When I first started my blog all I wanted was to get my voice out there. I wanted to give my opinion on everything I seen on TheShaderoom and in the blogs. I didn't necessarily want to be the one to break stories or speak maliciously of celebs, I just wanted to get my opinion out there. The goal of this blog, and still is, is to be a safe place to share my thoughts and help other become a better version of themselves. While working at King of Reads I realized that writing about celebrity news gets old QUICK. Don't get it twisted if TMZ offered me a job I would accept it with the quickness, but to volunteer to do it again I just don't think I could. I'm not sure if it was the mix of writing twice-a-day for 5 days a week or the topics themselves but I was burnt out. I was so focused on making the deadline that I feel like my writing quality took a backseat. My whole motto was "just get this out and done." Now I loved working for King of Reads they are a gr
Recent posts

Where Have I Been?

I feel like the theme for my creative endeavors is "I've been gone for a minute but I'm back with the jump off." Consistency is not my strong suit. I haven't posted a blog since June 2018. Not because I didn't want to, but because life just got in the way. Between school, work, and the toxic mix of self doubt I haven't had the time or energy. It hasn't all been bad though. In fact, 2018 was a great year for me. I was blessed to have many opportunities that I'm about to share with you. I started this blog on January 16th, 2018 and a week later I was on the phone with YouTuber, JustinJ, who is now known as the King of Reads. While doing a class assignment I stumbled across his website and saw that he was looking for contributors for his site. I honestly just applied because I figured "what's the worst that could happen?" A few days I received an email saying he would love to have me on the team and he will call me to let me know abo

Does Making Good Music Excuse Your Problematic Past?

Yesterday I found out that XXXTentacion died and I immediately was like It honestly was surreal because I actually remember the first time I heard "Look At Me." I was obsessed with that song and even turned other people on to it and X himself. I'm the type of person that as soon as I like a new song or artist I go all Inspector Gadget and try to find out everything about them (I'm a Virgo leave me alone). Anyway what I found was fight compilations, interviews of him saying he tried to kill his cellmate for staring at him believing that he was gay, oh and the pictures of the woman he abused. From there I was on the fence about X and wasn't as invested as I was initially. He was still incarcerated and didn't have any other music out. Since then he released two projects and I can't lie I listened to both of them. One, because I was bored and two, I was reviewing one of them for The Northerner. But honestly, he makes good music. None of the music he made

Blog for What?: How Procrastination & Self-Doubt Are Taking Turns Beating Me Up

Replace "school" with "passions" and this is me. One thing I suffer with deeply is procrastination. With school it's fine because I'm usually able to turn out an assignment last minute and it be gucci, but with creative work I'm like "nah I can wait." It's like I'm playing this game of how quickly can I sabotage my hopes and dreams. Okay, maybe it's not that extreme but it definitely feels that way.  I took a break from my passions to focus on school towards the end of last semester and while I've been slowly creeping out of it it's been a struggle. It's so easy to be complacent and just lay in bed and scroll through my Instagram feed after work. I tell myself "okay today I'm gonna get the tea and post about it." I look at the tea and the tea looks back at me like And all we can say is  I say things like "oh this isn't good enough" or "I'll do it later."

Best Day Ever...Eh Not Quite: Mac Miller Arrested for DUI & Hit-and-Run

According to  TMZ , the "Dang!" rapper was arrested this morning for a DUI and hit-and-run in the San Fernando Valley. Around 1 A.M, Mac Miller and his friends were driving drunk, hit a pole, and knocked it down. Mac and both of his passengers got out of the car and ran on foot back to Mac's place. A witness led the police to their direction and after running the plates on the "Donald Trump" rapper's 2016 G-Wagon they got Mac's address. After arriving to Mac's house he didn't hesitate to turn himself in and admit to his recklessness. A law enforcement source even says "He was the most polite and nice intoxicated person we've ever seen." His bail is set at $15k and he is still currently behind bars. Luckily nobody got hurt but that was a pretty careless thing to do. Driving under the influence of ANYTHING is NEVER okay. Mac should be counting his blessings that the only thing that possibly was damaged was his vehicle. I

"Invasion of Privacy": Cardi B Is Set To Drop Her Debut Album

Cardi B just announced that she's dropping her debut album on April 6th. The album is titled "Invasion of Privacy," which makes perfect sense because she's talked numerous times saying she feels like her life is not her own anymore. She's on her Kashdoll "my life is for everybody." My album “INVASION OF PRIVACY” will be out APRIL 6!👌🏽👌🏽Thanks for the love❤️ — iamcardib (@iamcardib) March 27, 2018 Her first two singles "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi" have been successful so let's hope that she delivers on this project as well. Which I'm sure she will because Cardi can actually rap and her first two mixtapes were very good. I'm hoping she channeled all of the negative energy she received this past year and put it all into her album. This is an amazing accomplishment for Cardi since I remember following her from her Instagram video days. Lets see what Twitter had to say about Ca

Since You've Been Gone: Why I Haven't Posted in Over a Week

STRESS. That's it. I've been juggling a lot this semester. Taking classes I actually like, writing for The Northerner, being a contributor on King of Reads, and creating a YouTube channel. I'm gonna be honest; my time management skills aren't the best (or existent). I procrastinate and then stress out because I waited until the last minute to do something. But honestly, I'm just trying to stay afloat with everything I have to do. It seems like I have hundreds of stuff to do that I don't even have time for myself. I’ve been too busy for my own self lately 😩 — bitch im on 12 xanax (@cherrybomb_kayy) March 21, 2018 With my senior year coming up, the pending need for an internship, and wondering what the hell I'm gonna do with my future it all just piles up and can become overwhelming. Trust me I love my blog, making videos, and writing for other publications, but juggling that and assignments can take it's toll on anyone. I'm gonna be mor